Duplicate this page to your private Notion and fill in the below, to get some ideas flowing
Who is your main audience? Who are you trying to help/sell to? e.g., business owners
Who would be your niche? Get more specific on your audience? e.g., neurodiverse and chronically ill business owners
What is your sub-niche? Get even more specific to call out a specific person? e.g., neurodiverse and chronically ill business owners in their first 2 years of business
What problem are you trying to solve? Think client first - problem - solution - benefit/goal e.g., PROBLEM - messy brand with a weak identity. SOLUTION - Designing a strong brand that stands out. BENEFIT/GOAL: The brand is so desirable, it sells for them. Meaning they can cut hours (of outbound gen) without cutting their income
What are you passionate about?
What are your unique skills and strengths?
How can you be different from the competition?
What’s the 1 thing you want to be known for?
<aside> 💭 When I’m struggling with direction, I ask myself:
What am I good at? What do I enjoy doing? What will benefit others?
When I have something that hits all 3 - I run with it!